This drawn out soap opera just isn’t worth my time or sanity.

Recommend me:

1. A movie.
2. A book.
3. A musical artist, song, or album.
4. An LJ user (or group) not on my friends list.
5. Something to do in the next two months.

5 thoughts on “This drawn out soap opera just isn’t worth my time or sanity.

  1. Thanks for the add- I thought I’d look at your journal, so here goes.
    1) I don’t (usually) watch movies, but I recently saw Little Miss Sunshine – it’s the first movie I’ve seen in a couple of years that I stayed awake through and didn’t walk away from (I didn’t even complain – this is unheard of.)
    2) I’ve got no idea what you enjoy reading, but here are a few things on my list
    Castro’s speech announcing the revolution – History Will Absolve Me
    Ernest Hemingway’s Garden of Eden (it’s not like most Hemingway I’ve read, but I love it so far)
    Three words, all beginning with T, by G. Cabrera Infante (three trapped tigers? More Cuban, this time fiction)
    Something by Kundera – I just read The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, I haven’t gotten the next yet, whatever I can buy for cheap)
    Tennessee Williams and Ibsen
    Sexing the Cherry by Wintersonne (?)
    Alias Grace by Atwood
    3) I’ve been hearing a lot of scissor sisters (?) lately, and the Gorrillaz (?) lately
    4) My list is really pathetic atm
    5) By the time you watch that movie and read those books, I’ll have become distracted and have a completely different list of to reads
    If all else fails trashy murder mysteries (owen Keene is good) and that girl reruns are a safe fall back plan.


    1. Gratitude!

      1)Bruce Almighty had already fostered my fondness for Steve Carell plus the reviews of the movie are pretty good. I’ll sure watch Little Miss Sunshine. How come you don’t (usually) watch movies?
      2)From offbeat to conformity, I enjoy reading almost everything. I have a love hate relationship with Ernest Hemingway. I find his macho posturing tiring. But there are moments of grace in his work that can be startling. Absolutely enjoyed reading The Old Man and the Sea-In the end the man lost and won at the same time. It is full of metaphors and is a great piece of literature. Will look for Castro and G. Cabrera Infante and rest of the names next time I went to the book store. Ah, and have been wondering where to start reading Milan Kundera’s(love this name) work.
      3)Scissor Sisters videos have been a major turn-off for me, haven’t come across them on the radio channels I listen to (strange). Gorrillaz are brilliant.
      4)Nevermind. You’ve done a great job so far. 🙂
      5)Pay me another visit next month, I’m quite an eccentric-buff.


      1. Re: Gratitude!

        Movies are two hours long (on average) and require no work from the viewer. If your kitty is doing something cute, you can look away- if you need a drink, you can run to the kitchen and make one, missing only minutes of the movie.. but crucial things can happen in those minutes. Or maybe not, maybe you can sit and go through your astronomy text and watch a movie, never leaving the tv screen, having a basic idea of the movie, without ever paying attention. Books don’t give you that. Either you read them, or you dont. If your cat is doing something cute, you don’t skip to the next page, you pick up where you left off. It’s basically impossible to read Hemingway and an Astronomy text (believe me, if it was possible, I would have done it!). Plus, people have the crazy notion that the best time to watch a movie is in the evening. If you let me sit for 2 hours after about 8 oclock without requiring any work from me at all, I’m going to fall asleep, you’re lucky if I make it past 9 anyway. I think part of my tolerance for LMS might be the fact that I saw it in theaters.. a situation with far less distractions.
        Hemingway can be obnoxious. The Garden of Eden is just.. weird. Oddly enough, I wrote a paper about sexism and the macho in Hemingway, and walked away a lot less convinced in some regards (though more convinced as well, it’s weird)
        Laughter and Forgetting is beautiful. if nothing else, the prose is amazing. Castro is dry and boring if you’re not interested in Cuban history, but I’m having a love affair with all things Cuban right now. Infante is like a Joyce/Kerouac/Cuban love child. He’s really brilliant (I think). Did I mention Ibsen on the list? If so, I’ve started Doll House, it’s kind of bizarre actually, it reminds me of Tennessee Williams, only.. less American.
        My boyfriend is a scissor sisters fan, and his ipod controls my radio. I haven’t actually seen the videos (I think.. unless there’s one with a stoplight and robots and possibly a dancing milk carton…)

        This quick and speedy reply has been brought to you at the expense of my very important very due in 3 hours paper on Othello 🙂 Hooray for distractions.


      2. Maybe it’s not ‘enjoyment’ as much as how something resonates. Do you habitually listen to music that churns your gut? Do you stare forever at a painting that doesn’t evoke the slightest reaction, even if it’s dislike or horror or contempt, to TRY REALLY HARD to feel something? Well, I don’t. There are some books/movies I don’t ‘enjoy’ but I know it’s because of where my mind is, so I set it down to attempt a reread in a year or three. Art/life/work/love/movies/books resonates on different frequencies for different people. Everytime I come across someone having little or no interest in movies or the like I feel for what they are missing in ‘abundance’. Do watch anything by David Lynch(Twin Peaks), Stanley Kubrick(A Clockwork Orange or Dr. Strangelove) or Sofia Coppola(Lost in Translation or The Virgin Suicides )-I’m sure you’ll feel intellectually fulfilled. Voilà.

        There certainly has been backlash against Hemingway. He was so cool for so long, that it became cool to be anti. My guru defines art/movies/lit as only what you hate but can’t stop thinking about three days later.(keeping trash lit off for the sake of discussion) Anything you read or watch should make you a little uncomfortable, perhaps even leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. something that make you reassess your take on the world, is surley not a bad thing.

        Conversely, maybe it was their 80ish multicoloured outfits. Anon, will listen to Scissor Sisters, they are already on my list. stoplight and robots remind me of Coldplay and dancing milk carton of Blur.

        I hope your paper went well else you’d be blaming this post.
        Good Luck 🙂


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